This is a simple Javascript tutorial on random items. Copy/paste this script and save as .js file to your site, example "random.js Modify the script
Tip : Edit this lines and insert your desired content (image, html, quotes, links, banners, partners, featured files, etc.):
quotes[0]='Your first content here.'
quotes[1]='Your second content here.'
quotes[2]='Your third content here.'
You can add random content as many as you want just keep quotes [number] in order.
Note : Make sure to add one content per one line, do not leave empty line between same content use start <br> tag<br/> end instead, a single unwanted whit espace can make the whole script invalid . Implementing The Script : To display random content script to your site, copy/paste this code in to your page where you want the random content to appear.
Random Logo script :
Random Links / Banner Script :
Random Quotes Script :
Note : If you're using a quotes/text with apostrophe ('), always put a backslash (\) in front of it (e.g.You can\'t and not You can't) or else the whole script will become invalid, backslash will become invisible if displayed in an actual text.
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